Research Review: Areal Extent, Hydrogeologic Characteristics, and Possible Origins of the Carbonate Rock Newburg Zone (Middle-Upper Silurian) in Ohio

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The name Newburg has been applied to a highly permeable zone, 0.3 to 9 m thick, occurring in a granular or vuggy dolomite. The zone occurs in carbonate rocks of Middle to Late Silurian age across much of Ohio. Known also to well drillers as the Second Water in the Big Lime carbonate sequence, the Newburg zone is a source of hydrocarbons in northeast Ohio, brines in southeast Ohio, and a widespread source of water over much of west-central Ohio. Close to recharge areas, the quality of the water is comparable to that of the overlying carbonate rocks; thus, the Newburg zone warrants further investigation as a source of water for domestic use.


Author Institution: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division and U.S. Geological Survey



The Ohio Journal of Science. v91, n5 (December, 1991), 209-215