Working Towards Abundant and Sustainable Vegetable Production in the Developing World

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Ohio State University. Office of Outreach and Engagement

Research Projects

Organizational Units

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Improving productivity of vegetable crops in the developing world leads to higher income for farm families and a more healthful and balanced diet for consumers. However, poorly controlled diseases and pests, unsanitary practices and misuse of pesticides threaten efforts to achieve this goal. Working with researchers, outreach specialists and farmers, safe and effective management practices are being developed that benefit farmers and consumers alike.


IMPACT. 1: Most farmers in the developing world have little or no access to plant health diagnostics, improved vegetable varieties, integrated management tools or up-to-date information. -- 2. Increased access to vegetable crop diagnostics and management tools improves vegetable disease and pest management outcomes. -- 3. Integrated pest management approaches reduce pesticide misuse, improve disease, pest and weed control, and increase incomes for farm families.
OSU PARTNERS: Department of Plant Pathology; College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences; College of Veterinary Medicine; Office of International Programs in Agriculture
COMMUNITY PARTNERS: Feed the Future IPM Innovation Lab, Virginia Tech (formerly IPM CRSP); Feed the Future Horticulture Innovation Lab, UC-Davis; Kenya Agricultural Research Institute; AgroExpertos, Guatemala; Tamil Nadu Agricultural Universtiy, India; Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute; IDE, Nepal; Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania; Makerere University, Uganda; IITA, Tanzania; University of Ghana Legon; ISRA, Senegal; Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria



Engaged Scholars, v. 1 (2013).