Determiniation of Anterior-Posterior Orientation of Glochidia by The Examination of Glochial Valves present within The Umbos of Juvenile Unionid Clams (Mollusca: Bivalvia)

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The terms anterior and posterior have been used differently by various authors working with the glochidia of the Unionidae. This report reviews the contradictory use of these terms in regard to glochidial orientation, and shows that the anterior and posterior margins of these minute parasitic larvae can be distinguished by demonstrating the morphological relationship between glochidial and juvenile shells. Glochidial valves, found upon examination of the umbos of juvenile clams, showed that the long side of the glochidium (measured from the middle of the dorsal margin to the base of the hook) corresponded to the anterior margin of the juvenile. The anterior margin of a glochidium may also be characterized as that margin closest to the single larval adductor muscle.


Author Institution: The Ohio State University Museum of Zoology



The Ohio Journal of Science. v87, n3 (June, 1987), 93-95