The martyrdom of Archbishop Latimer and Bishop Ridley while Smith preaches
(upper R) ""Smith"" preaching from a pulpit (""Si corpus meum tradam igni caritatem autem non habeam nihil vtilitatis &c.""); (C) chained back to back to the stake, standing among bundles of faggots tended by a workman directed by a supervisor (L) ""Latimer"" (""Father of heauven receue my soule"") hands raised, watched by soldiers and by civilians who are restrained by soldiers and (R) ""Ridley"" (""In man'tuas domine"") addressing a priest, watched by three men sitting in front of him, one reading a scroll (""M.Ridley I will remember your suite.""), another identified as ""L. Willing."" (upper R) outside of the circle Bishop Cranmer and others watching from a city wall. 173x260 foldout following 1563 (4G4)\\ OSU .o4072377x: remnants between pp. 1769-70\\ Pulpit, Preacher (Smith), Horse