A Small Late Woodland Hearth Near Pioneer, Ohio
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A small prehistoric hearth, located 1 1/2 miles southwest of Pioneer, in Williams County, Ohio, was excavated on October 5, 1967, by a group of soils scientists, while on a field conference. The hearth, two to three feet across by about two feet deep, yielded some fragments of charcoal (Quercus), a few wood snails (Mesodon inflectus), small broken mammal bones (Blarina brevicauda, Indian dog, and turtle-carapace scraper), and a few pottery sherds. No projectile points were found, either in the filling of the hearth depression nor on the surface of the adjacent plowed field, although chert chips were present in the field. A diorite hammers tone was also recovered from the field. Most informative in terms of dating the site was the pottery, despite its small and fragmentary nature. Two different specialists (R. S. Baby and D. W. Dragoo), working independently, both identified the hearth occupation, on the basis of the pottery, as Late Woodland (Cole Culture), dated at approximately 900-1100 years A.D.
Author Institution: Department of Geology, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio
The Ohio Journal of Science. v69 n1 (January, 1969), 31-35