White Pine Species: Plantations AC-13 and G-18
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Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center
AC-13, section 1 - Planted: 1965; Spacing: 64 trees, 16 from each source; Design: 4 randomized blocks
AC-13, section 2 - Planted: Oct. 1966; Spacing: 25 trees, 5 trees from each source, 12' (N-S) x 14' (E-W)
G-18 - Spacing: 42 trees, 10' O.C.
Plantation Numbers: AC-13; G-18
Species: white pine species
Species: Pinus strobiformis, Pinus flexilis, and Pinus strobus
AC-13 Year Planted: 1965-66
G-18 Year Planted: unknown
AC-13 Year Last Measured: 1980
G-18 Year Last Measured: 1980
AC-13, section 2 - Planted: Oct. 1966; Spacing: 25 trees, 5 trees from each source, 12' (N-S) x 14' (E-W)
G-18 - Spacing: 42 trees, 10' O.C.
Plantation Numbers: AC-13; G-18
Species: white pine species
Species: Pinus strobiformis, Pinus flexilis, and Pinus strobus
AC-13 Year Planted: 1965-66
G-18 Year Planted: unknown
AC-13 Year Last Measured: 1980
G-18 Year Last Measured: 1980
Pinus strobiformis, Pinus flexilis, Pinus strobus