Studies with 60Co-Radiated Guar (Cyamopsis Tetragonoloba) (L.) Taub

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Dry seeds of G-II (bushy, fodder type) and G-IV (erect, pod type) varieties of Punjab guar {Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) were radiated with gamma rays using 60Co as source of radiation. The doses applied were 5,000, 10,000, 20,000, and 30,000 r. The radiation speeded up germination, increased the rate of root growth, and expanded the range of plant height and stem girth in the generation from the radiated seeds (Ri). Other morphological variants in Ri were: Chlorophyll defects, small-leaved and small-poded types, unusually tall and unusually small plants, and chimaeras for pod and leaf size. In R2 none of the above characters excepting chlorophyll defects appeared, thus establishing that non-genetic changes were responsible for other variations. In R2 and R3, however, segregation was observed for plant height and branching from both G-II and G-IV. In no case were the number of genes involved determined.


Author Institution: Academic Faculty of Genetics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio



The Ohio Journal of Science. v69 n1 (January, 1969), 18-31