Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in Gray's Run in Northeastern Ohio

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A survey of stoneflies was conducted at Gray's Run (Mahoning County, Ohio), a small (2.9 km), high gradient stream occurring in the glaciated Appalachian Plateau. A total of 1,779 stoneflies were collected in 1984-1985 by hand net and hand-picking from rocks, vegetation, and leaf packs. Among these were 18 species, 12 genera, and six families. The stonefly community in Gray's Run appears to have been strongly influenced by stream ecology and proximity to Appalachian source streams. Malirekus bastatus (Banks), Peltoperla arcuata Needham, and Sweltsa lateralis Banks, three Appalachian species, are reported in Ohio for the first time. Over 50% of the species occurring in Gray's Run are either of Appalachian origin and/or prefer small, cool streams characteristic of that region. The flight periods of the three most common families, Chloroperlidae, Leuctridae, and Nemouridae, are outlined. Afternoon emergence and predation of Chloroperlidae by Empididae were observed.


Author Institution: Department of Biological Sciences, Youngstown State University



The Ohio Journal of Science. v87, n3 (June, 1987), 67-72