HIGH RESOLUTION PROBES OF COUPLED STATES: ZEEMAN QUANTUM BEAT STUDIES OF $OD(A^{2}\Sigma^{+}, v=0, 1, 2, 3)$ AND $OH(A^{2}\Sigma^{+}, v=0, 1, 2)$
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Ohio State University
We will report on Zeeman quantum beat studies of rovibronic levels in the $A^{2}\Sigma^{+}$ state of the hydroxyl and hydroxyl-d radicals. For each system the data extends to the onset of predissociation induced via spin-orbit coupling with a repulsive $^{4}\Sigma^{-}$ state, which occurs for OH at $v=2$ and for OD at $v=3$. Our study focused on identifying direct spectroscopic signatures of this coupling as revealed in the weak field Lande g-factors. For OD, we were also able to determine the excited state hyperfine parameters, which are a sensitive probe of the excited state electronic structure, and trends in these parameters will be discussed.
Author Institution: Dept. of Chemistry, Marquette University