Reconnect: The Franklinton Refurbishment - An Interior Design Proposal of a Home Refurbishment Education Center Focused on Community Engagement

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The Ohio State University

Research Projects

Organizational Units

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This research project aims to investigate how an education program based around basic construction and home maintenance knowledge can provide opportunities for community connection and engagement. The purpose of this research project is to study how interior design principles can be utilized to create a program within an adaptive reuse space that elicits emotions and a sense of wellbeing from the user. Through research, three key areas of study were identified to focus on, an adaptive reuse space as environmental stewardship, social agency, which also focuses on place identity, and wayfinding systems. These areas can be identified within the framework of the community centered education space titles "Reconstruct: The Franklinton Refurbishment." The education space focuses on community empowerment, giving access to tools and resources for home repair and maintenance. In Franklinton, OH, the cost of housing is rising significantly, with the income of current residents not meeting socio-economic criteria of the new housing market being pushed into the neighborhoods. With the development of the East Side of Franklinton into a booming Arts District with new luxury apartment complexes lining the streets, West Franklinton maintains a community of primary Franklinton settlers that wish to remain a part of their neighborhood. To avoid the push out of existing residents and community members, a program providing home maintenance education to encourage the involvement of people in their community is proposed. The site chosen is within the historic Engine House 10, making it an adaptive reuse project, building off of the existing identity and value of the building within the community and the Western side of Franklinton. Wayfinding is utilized as a primary interior design element within the study to indicate ways the community identity can be maintained and built upon within the creation of a new program. Connecting the pre-existing history of the historic Engine House to the new program is one way a reminder of "placeness" can occur. The idea of emotional connectivity within design is also present through the development of an adaptive reuse program. This is also an indication of the preservation of memories within the Franklinton community and history throughout time. The primary implementation of interior design elements within the newly built environment is meant to indicate an emotional response from the user and to elicit a response of wellbeing in ones personal home care and collective community care. By building off of wayfinding elements, a local site can become a beacon building of identity and adaptability. The building "Reconnect: The Franklinton Refurbishment" will be capable of providing the users an emotional connection to the experiences within Franklinton and will be able to provide opportunities for home owners to gain basic construction knowledge.



Adaptive Reuse, Wayfinding, Social Agency, Well-Being, Interior Design, Place Identity
