Wykorzystanie metod ilościowych w badaniach marketingowych w Polsce

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This article presents the results of a research project that aimed at evaluating the extent to which quantitative methods are being implemented in marketing research in Poland. The analysis was based on interviews carried out in 2004 with representatives of chosen social and marketing research agencies. Our goal was to find out which of the quantitative methods are commonly used in marketing research in Poland and which ones are not, and to identify the possible reasons for that. According to our analysis, apart of simple statistical techniques (e.g. crosstabs, testing hypotheses), more advanced methods are used such as conjoint analysis (as it was mentioned by one of the respondents “truly speaking it is in vogue”. We conclude that the more advanced marketing techniques of analysis will be needed, the more clients will learn and understand the purpose and use of specific methods. Key words: quantitative methods, marketing research.



quantitative methods, marketing research


Ask: Research and Methods. Volume 15, Issue 1 (2006), pp. 51-73