Development of a Primary Care Clinician Intervention in the Management of Overweight and Obesity in Children and Adolescent: A Pound of Cure
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Primary care clinicians, despite regular access to young families, lack a cohesive model for approaching office visits regarding excess weight. Using the 2007 Expert Committee’s Recommendations, a set of clinician guidelines on the standard of care for managing childhood obesity, we developed high quality intervention tools for clinician use to direct behavior modification in families with school-age children. We have developed “A Pound of Cure” (POC), a counseling process and educational materials founded on the ECRs, to provide clinicians with the necessary skill set to approach excess weight in children. POC modular counseling sessions and resources were piloted among physicians in a primary care network. Families and physicians were interviewed on the modular counseling sessions and resources. The feedback obtained guided development of office visit modules and materials. On average, motivated families that returned to the clinic needed to complete only 3 to 4 modules, setting 3 goals per visit, to successfully incorporate the recommendations into the child’s daily life. Of families that returned for follow up visits 38.5%, 47.3%, 8.7%, 5.2%, and 1.7% of families completed two, three, four, five or six office visit modules, respectively. Weight maintenance or weight loss occurred in 57% of patients, with an average weight loss of 1.0 kg.
Poster Division: Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences: 2nd Place (The Ohio State University Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum)