Glacial Geology of the Dawes Arboretum, Licking County, Ohio

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Detailed mapping of the glacial deposits on the properties of The Dawes Arboretum and immediately adjacent landowners, done at the invitation of the arboretum director, revealed a landscape of Wisconsin end moraine and ground moraine, underlain by Mississippian Logan Sandstone throughout the 7.8 km2 area. The resulting mapping shows the Wiconsin Terminal Moraine winding generally north-south across the eastern edge of the area, with 2 other early retreatal Wisconsin end moraines farther west. The Jacksontown Moraine of this report extends northeast across the area, locally overlapping the Terminal Moraine west of Fairmount Church hill. The Dawes Moraine of this report, also with a northeastward trend, lies west of the Jacksontown Moraine in the south, but merges with it farther north. Readvance to the Jacksontown Moraine blocked a small stream flowing northwestward off the Terminal Moraine east of Jacksontown, causing lake silts to accumulate in its upper basin, south of Rt. 440, and forming a new stream, Quarry Run, flowing northward across Rt. 440 through the sandstone hills of the arboretum's eastern properties.


Author Institution: Department of Geology, Bowling Green University



The Ohio Journal of Science. v83, n4 (September, 1983), 155-160