Official Proceedings of the One Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty-Ninth Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Columbus, Ohio, February 4, 1993
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Ohio State University
This item is the meeting minutes of the Board of Trustees of The Ohio State University held on Thursday, February 4, 1993 at The Ohio State University Ohio Union, Columbus, Ohio. Topics discussed include the President's report, the Student Affairs Committee Student Open Forum, a report from A.C.T.I.O.N, Restructuring and realignment in the Office of Human Resources, Research Foundation report, Report of Research Contracts and Grants, Hospitals Board Committee Report, Investments Committee Report, a report on University Development, the Development Fund Establishment of Named Chairs, Endowment Funds and Scholarship Funds, Academic Affairs Committee report, a report on restructuring of the Office of Admissions and the Office of Student Financial Aid, amendments to the Rules of the University Faculty, Honorary Degrees awarded, Personnel Actions, Resolutions in Memoriam, a Fiscal Affairs Committee Report, fiscal 1992-93 Budget Adjustments, Waivers of Competitive Bidding Requirements for Oct-Dec. 1992, employment of architects/engineers and requests for construction bids, a report of award of contracts and establishment of contingency funds, the authorization for capital improvement projects, and a change in the University's non-smoking policy.