Redesigning healthCARE: How Innovative Care can Heal and Not Just Treat our Patients
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Ohio State University. Office of Outreach and Engagement
The greatest challenge for health care professionals today is to treat patients with care that not only cures, but also heals. We need to ideate, innovate, motivate and curate creative care! Studies have shown that art, music, humor, etc. improve humanistic care that betters patient outcomes and rewards hospital revenues. With similar thoughts, a workshop for infusing "Art in Healthcare" showed how deeply art can influence how health care students treat and counsel patients. Evidence-based programs for creative spaces in hospitals have been studied in the past; an instrumental effect would be seen with such creative intervention for the Framework 2.0 with the Wexner Medical Center impacting future patients and employees for happier and healthier outcomes.
What if we see every patient as every other painting in a museum of humans? What if we make patients feel less daunted by the walls of hospitals and smell of drugs? The greatest challenge for the health care professionals today is to treat patients with care that not only cures externally, but also soulfully – indirectly increasing patient outcome with greater satisfaction for provider and takers. Today professionals should care for patients creatively, not to just treat them but HEAL. We need to ideate, innovate, motivate and curate a creative care ! Recently, as a designer student pharmacist and Interprofessional council senator, we had organized a small workshop with CoMa(Columbus Museum of Art) for health care professionals called "Art of analysis in Healthcare." The main objective was to teach and make health care students realize the importance of caring, compassion in a special and innovative way. Caring for a patient is an art, for whom everyone is capable of creatively taking care of. The session will talk about OADP method of an art evaluation infused to seek a patient evaluation case. Session will also make the audience to re-think and re-design the way patients are treated and give them tricks and tips to enhance patient satisfaction. Throughout recorded history, we see evidence that pictures, stories, dances, music, and drama have been central to healing rituals. Today's renewed focus on humanistic care is leading to resurgence in the knowledge and practice of incorporating the arts into health care services. Paint brushes and IV tubes may not seem to have much in common, but the arts are increasingly touted as a form of healing that can be as relevant to a patient's well-being as medication. Infused art-care therapies can be used from post-traumatic stress disorder to autism, mental health, chronic illnesses, Alzheimer's and dementia, neurological disorders and brain injuries, premature infants, and physical disabilities – to improve patients' overall health outcomes, treatment compliance, and quality of life. These interventions have shown an economic benefit. Data show that such programs result in patients requiring shorter hospital stays, less medication, and having fewer complications – all of which translates to a reduction in health care costs. Using the same principles, I would also talk about evidence-based design for the new Framework 2.0 with the Wexner Medical Center we are designing with HCD to create healthier and happier space. Consistent research has shown supporting details that I would like to address, especially a 1996 Ohio State study where effects of sounds had been evaluated to be beneficial for different types of cancers like lung, breast, colon, etc. Other research at the University of London showed better blood flow to brain with just the visuals of paintings. "If an art installation gets a patient out of his room or paintings take a person's mind off their pain and lower their stress levels, the art isn't just decorative anymore."
AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Smit Patel, Medication therapy Management Intern, College of Pharmacy, (Corresponding Author).
AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Smit Patel, Medication therapy Management Intern, College of Pharmacy, (Corresponding Author).
innovative care, healing though art, designing health care, creating real care, motivating health
Engaged Scholars, v. 6 (2018).