Empirical Musicology Review: Volume 4, Number 4 (2009)

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Empirical Musicology Review Vol. 4, No. 4, 2009

Issue DOI: https://doi.org/10.18061/1811/81089

Editor's Note
Thompson, Bill p. 129
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The Effects of Musical Fit on Choice Between Competing Pairs of Cultural Products
Yeoh, Joanne P. S.; North, Adrian C. pp. 130-133
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National Metrical Types in Nineteenth Century Art Song
VanHandel, Leigh pp. 134-145
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Commentary on "The Effects of Musical Fit On Choice Between Competing Pairs of Cultural Products" by Joanne P.S. Yeoh & Adrian C. North
Brodsky, Warren pp. 146-150
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Statistical versus Musical Significance: Commentary on Leigh VanHandel's 'National Metrical Types in Nineteenth Century Art Song'
London, Justin pp. 151-157
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Commentary on Leigh VanHandel's 'National Metrical Types in Nineteenth Century Art Song'
Thomson, William pp. 158-159
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Thompson, Bill pp. 159-161
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    (Empirical Musicology Review, 2009-10) Thompson, Bill
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    Commentary on Leigh VanHandel's 'National Metrical Types in Nineteenth Century Art Song'
    (Empirical Musicology Review, 2009-10) Thomson, William
    Leigh VanHandel’s study of metrical locations or phrase beginnings and endings in art songs of the 19th century provides a glance into one property of lyric settings unstudied before. Its fastidious data can be trusted, and yet the study’s hard relevance to matters of musical substance, matters of import to a song’s perception, is questionable.
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    Statistical versus Musical Significance: Commentary on Leigh VanHandel's 'National Metrical Types in Nineteenth Century Art Song'
    (Empirical Musicology Review, 2009-10) London, Justin
    In “National Metrical Types in Nineteenth Century Art Song” Leigh Van Handel gives a sympathetic critique of William Rothstein’s claim that in western classical music of the late 18th and 19th centuries there are discernable differences in the phrasing and metrical practice of German versus French and Italian composers. This commentary (a) examines just what Rothstein means in terms of his proposed metrical typology, (b) questions Van Handel on how she has applied it to a purely melodic framework, (c) amplifies Van Handel’s critique of Rothstein, and then (d) concludes with a rumination on the reach of quantitative (i.e., statistically-driven) versus qualitative claims regarding such things as “national metrical types.”
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    Commentary on "The Effects of Musical Fit On Choice Between Competing Pairs of Cultural Products" by Joanne P.S. Yeoh & Adrian C. North
    (Empirical Musicology Review, 2009-10) Brodsky, Warren
    Yeoh and North (2009) believe their findings are a clear indication that musical fit can influence product choice among a non-Western sample; pieces of Indian and Malay music primed the selection of one corresponding type of product over another, while when there was no music played the choices indicated no reliable preference for either Indian or Malay items. However, a closer look at their methods of sampling, stimuli, procedures, and results, makes it clear that these conclusions are unfounded.
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    National Metrical Types in Nineteenth Century Art Song
    (Empirical Musicology Review, 2009-10) VanHandel, Leigh
    William Rothstein’s article “National metrical types in music of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries” (2008) proposes a distinction between the metrical habits of 18th and early 19th century German music and those of Italian and French music of that period. Based on theoretical treatises and compositional practice, he outlines these national metrical types and discusses the characteristics of each type. This paper presents the results of a study designed to determine whether, and to what degree, Rothstein’s characterizations of national metrical types are present in 19th century French and German art song. Studying metrical habits in this genre may provide a lens into changing metrical conceptions of 19th century theorists and composers, as well as to the metrical habits and compositional style of individual 19th century French and German art song composers.
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    The Effects of Musical Fit on Choice Between Competing Pairs of Cultural Products
    (Empirical Musicology Review, 2009-10) Yeoh, Joanne P. S.; North, Adrian C.
    Previous studies have claimed that music can prime the selection of certain products and influence consumers’ propensity to spend because it activates related knowledge of the world and subsequently raises the salience of certain products and behaviors associated with that music. Music that corresponds with the attributes of certain products therefore can prime the selection of those products. Ethnically Chinese Malaysian participants were presented with six pairs of products, each containing a Malay or an Indian version of the product in question, and asked to state a preference for one from that pair. Malay or Indian music was played simultaneously in the background. Product choices corresponded with the ethnicity of the background music played. This demonstrates that music ‘fit’ can influence product choice when consumers do not have a clear existing preference for one product over another.
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    Editor's Note
    (Empirical Musicology Review, 2009-10) Thompson, Bill