Ohio Journal of School Mathematics: Number 64 (Fall 2011)

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Front Matter
pp. 1-5
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Discovery: A Squaring Pattern for Two-Digit Numbers and Beyond
Biederman, Sam; Kahle, Diane Borton pp. 6-10
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Connecting the Art of Navajo Weavings to Secondary Education
Kirchner, Mary Kay; Sarhangi, Reza pp. 11-17
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Mersenne Primes
Fryer, Joseph; Detro, Casey pp. 19-22
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Integrating Response to Intervention in an Inquiry-Based Math Classroom
Douglass, Lisa; Horstman, Alissa pp. 23-30
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Exploring the Rhind Papyrus
Hartnett, Dana; Koepfle, Lauren pp. 31-35
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A Mathematical Origami Puzzle
Dukes, Patrick S.; Rusinko, Joseph P. pp. 36-42
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Estimation Using Whole Numbers
Krach, Michael pp. 43-45
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Corn & Tractor Price Comparisons
Lifer, Steve pp. 46-52
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Getting Active with Angles!
Kembitzky, Kimberle; Victor, Catherine; Flanagan, Lauren pp. 53-58
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Problems to Ponder while on a Car-Trip
Buckenmeyer, Stephanie; Gerhardinger, Joe pp. 59-63
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Problem Solving is About Seeing Relationships
Kuchey, Debbie; Flick, Michael pp. 64-69
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Back Matter
pp. 70-72
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    Getting Active with Angles!
    (Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2011) Kembitzky, Kimberle; Victor, Catherine; Flanagan, Lauren
    Many students can find the volume of new vocabulary terms in the high school Geometry curriculum quite intimidating. Geometry students can be exposed to over 100 new terms in just the first semester! If students do not understand the terminology, they will have a hard time applying and communicating the mathematics they are learning. A series of activities is introduced that uses a kinesthetic approach to learning the terminology relating to the special angle pairs formed by intersecting lines and transversals.
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    Front Matter (Number 64, Fall 2011)
    (Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2011)
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    Discovery: A Squaring Pattern for Two-Digit Numbers and Beyond
    (Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2011) Biederman, Sam; Kahle, Diane Borton
    Delving into and expanding the thinking of students is an important challenge for mathematics teachers. This article describes the thinking of one student, Sam, about perfect square numbers. His thinking and the probing of his teacher helped Sam develop his own pattern for mentally calculating perfect squares. Sam writes his pattern as a formula involving digits of the original number to be squared. The article describes his thinking process and the algebra used to verify his ideas.
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    Connecting the Art of Navajo Weavings to Secondary Education
    (Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2011) Kirchner, Mary Kay; Sarhangi, Reza
    The Navajo Nation is well-known for its exceptional artistry with respect to the weaving of rugs, blankets, and other textiles. This article will discuss the culture of the Navajo, their weavings, and how this art form can be used to teach and extend mathematics concepts in secondary education. The patterns within the Navajo weavings will be used to illustrate examples of the four isometries and the seven frieze groups. These patterns will also be used to determine the fundamental region, as well as to study the fractal concept of iteration and its impact on area and perimeter.
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    Mersenne Primes
    (Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2011) Fryer, Joseph; Detro, Casey
    Marin Mersenne’s mathematical contributions helped paved the way for advances in mathematics. In this article, his life is not only depicted but his mathematical intellect is highlighted through his achievements. Since his time, technology has helped further the finding of Mersenne primes. Prime numbers are large concepts for students to learn in school. Mersenne primes further examine the study of prime numbers.
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    Integrating Response to Intervention in an Inquiry-Based Math Classroom
    (Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2011) Douglass, Lisa; Horstman, Alissa
    Response to Intervention (RtI) is a practice of academic and behavioral interventions designed to provide early, effective assistance to underperforming students. Research-based interventions are implemented and frequent progress monitoring is conducted to assess student response and progress. When students do not make progress, increasingly more intense interventions are introduced. In this paper, we will discuss Response to Intervention (RtI), inquiry-based mathematics, and how these can work together for the benefit of students and educators.
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    Exploring the Rhind Papyrus
    (Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2011) Hartnett, Dana; Koepfle, Lauren
    In this article, we introduce the ancient Rhind papyrus. The Rhind papyrus serves as the foundation of mathematics today as it includes various mathematical techniques such as proportions, algebra, volume, and geometry. While many mathematical strategies are written on the Rhind papyrus, this article explores the ancient Egyptians approach to finding the area of a circle. Mirroring the Egyptians’ approach to comparing shapes to find information, this article explores a middle school activity that can be used in a similar way.
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    A Mathematical Origami Puzzle
    (Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2011) Dukes, Patrick S.; Rusinko, Joseph P.
    The recent axiomization of Origami has led to numerous breakthroughs in both mathematics and in understanding of the ancient art of paper folding. We propose a puzzle whose solution demonstrates the power of mathematical origami. This puzzle is accessible to the geometry student and could be used as supplemental geometry instruction as an extension of traditional compass and straight edge constructions. Detailed images and photos are provided to guide the audience through the puzzle’s solution.
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    Estimation Using Whole Numbers
    (Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2011) Krach, Michael
    In this article, the author presents three major reasons for making estimates to computational situations/problems. He then discusses, along with specific examples, four commonly used estimations strategies. Included, at the conclusion of the article, are exercises, problems, and activities for the students.
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    Corn & Tractor Price Comparisons
    (Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2011) Lifer, Steve
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    Problems to Ponder while on a Car-Trip
    (Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2011) Buckenmeyer, Stephanie; Gerhardinger, Joe
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    Back Matter (Number 64, Fall 2011)
    (Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2011)
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    Problem Solving is About Seeing Relationships
    (Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2011) Kuchey, Debbie; Flick, Michael