Polata Knigopisnaia: Volume 9 (June 1984)

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Cover and Table of Contents
Veder, William R.; Capaldo, Mario p. 1
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La source principale du Sermon sur la Nativité, attribué à Jean l’Exarque
Capaldo, Mario pp. 3-29
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The Collection of Microfilms and Prints of the Staroslavenski zavod “Sv. Ritig” at Zagreb
Čunčić, Marica pp. 30-38
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The Slavic Manuscripts in the Federal Republic of Germany
Miklas, Heinz; Ščapov, Jaroslav N.; Veder, William R. pp. 39-58
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Греческо-славянский Index Verborum Кирилло-мефодиевского перевода тетраевангелия: Дискуссионная статья
Moszyński, Leszek pp. 59-67
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Text-Oriented Indices to Early Slavic Manuscripts
Veder, William R. pp. 68-74
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ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 15-20 Aug 1983: Sofia. Second International Seminar on Slavic Palaeography
p. 75
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ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 26-27 Aug 1983: Sofia. Conference on Balkan Manuscript Illumination up to the 17th Century
pp. 75-76
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ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 6-14 Sep 1983: Kiev. The Ninth International Congress of Slavists
p. 76
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ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 30-31 Mar 1984: Nijmegen. Making Manuscripts Accessible to Research
pp. 76-78
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ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 14 Apr 1984: London. Meeting of the Slavonic and East European Medieval Study Group
Thomson, Francis J.; Du Feu, Veronica pp. 79-82
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ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 3-4 May 1984: Columbus, OH. First Annual Hilandar Research Project Conference
pp. 82-83
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ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 11-12 мая 1984 г.: Münster. Симпозиум по языку и литературе Древней Руси
Veder, William R. pp. 83-88
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Previews: 17-23 September 1984: Rila. Second Hilandar Conference
p. 88
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Previews: 25-30 September 1984: Sofia. Third Session of the CIBAL Commission on Manuscripts
p. 88
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Previews: 14-23 August 1985: Sofia. Fourth Summer Colloquium of Old Bulgarian Studies
p. 88
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Previews: 1985. The 1100th Anniversary of the Death of St. Methodius.
p. 89
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pp. 90-100
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Recent Submissions

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    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1984-06)
    This feature, "ОБЬЩЕѤ ЖИТИѤ" [Ob'shtee zhitie], provides a list of ongoing projects and recent publications of scholars in the field of Early Slavic studies, arranged alphabetically by the country in which they work. Represented in this issue are reports from Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Poland, the Soviet Union, the United States, and Yugoslavia.
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    Previews: 1985. The 1100th Anniversary of the Death of St. Methodius.
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1984-06)
    The section "ЛѢТОПИСЬ" ('Chronicle') reports on recent events in the field of Early Slavic, e.g., celebrations, conferences, symposia, etc. Its feature "Previews" contains announcements of forthcoming conferences of interest to palaeoslavists, historians, theologians, etc. The 1100 anniversary of the death of St. Methodius will be marked in 1985 by a number of conferences, symposia, and lectures. A preliminary list of five planned events is provided.
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    Previews: 14-23 August 1985: Sofia. Fourth Summer Colloquium of Old Bulgarian Studies
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1984-06)
    The section "ЛѢТОПИСЬ" ('Chronicle') reports on recent events in the field of Early Slavic, e.g., celebrations, conferences, symposia, etc. Its feature "Previews" contains announcements of forthcoming conferences related to Slavic manuscripts, including the date, location, sponsors and topic. The Fourth Summer Colloquium of Old Bulgarian Studies is to be held August 14-23, 1985, in Sofia, sponsored jointly by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Sofia University under the direction of Donka Petkanova. Abstracts on codicology, textology and linguistics are solicited.
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    Previews: 25-30 September 1984: Sofia. Third Session of the CIBAL Commission on Manuscripts
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1984-06)
    The section "ЛѢТОПИСЬ" ('Chronicle') reports on recent events in the field of Early Slavic, e.g., celebrations, conferences, symposia, etc. Its feature "Previews" contains announcements of forthcoming conferences related to Slavic manuscripts, including the date, location, sponsors and topic. The Third Session of the CIBAL Commission on Manuscripts is to be held September 25-30, 1984 in Sofia "to review the descriptive terminology to be used in the Summary Catalogue of 'Narrative Monuments' Concerning the History and Culture of the Balkan Peoples, as well as in full scientific descriptions."
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    Previews: 17-23 September 1984: Rila. Second Hilandar Conference
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1984-06)
    The section "ЛѢТОПИСЬ" ('Chronicle') reports on recent events in the field of Early Slavic, e.g., celebrations, conferences, symposia, etc. Its feature "Previews" announces the date, place, and organizers of forthcoming conferences related to Slavic manuscripts. This announcement advertises the Second Hilandar Conference, which will be held September 17-23, 1984, at Rila Monastery in Bulgaria. Hosted by the Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre, the conference will focus on questions of description of Slavic manuscripts and the role of the monasteries in the Balkans.
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    ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 11-12 мая 1984 г.: Münster. Симпозиум по языку и литературе Древней Руси
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1984-06) Veder, William R.
    This feature "ЛѢТОПИСЬ" ('Chronicle') reports on recent events in the field of Early Slavic, e.g., celebrations, conferences, symposia, etc. Gerhard Birkfellner (Dept. of Slavic Philology, University of Münster, the third largest university of FRG) with his Baltic colleague F. Scholz held a two-day symposium with colleagues from the rest of West Germany, Austria, Holland, and Switzerland. There were sixteen presentations and discussions on general questions of textology, specific texts, literature, literary motifs, linguistics, and lexicology. The participants' names and the titles of their presentations are given here, along with a brief summary of talks.
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    ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 6-14 Sep 1983: Kiev. The Ninth International Congress of Slavists
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1984-06)
    The editors, William Veder and Mario Capaldo, register their protest regarding the International Congress hosted by the Soviet Committee of Slavists, September 6-14, 1983, where exorbitant rates for Westerners and denied visas conspired to prevent the editors and other Western scholars from attending the Congress.
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    ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 14 Apr 1984: London. Meeting of the Slavonic and East European Medieval Study Group
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1984-06) Thomson, Francis J.; Du Feu, Veronica
    Francis J. Thomson (Antwerp) informed the editors of Polata knigopisnaia of the four papers read at the April 14, 1984 meeting of the Slavonic and East European Medieval Study Group in London: J. Burnip's "Iosif Bradatyj," Veronica Du Feu's "The Firman of 1519," William F. Ryan's "The Passion of St. Demetrius and the Secreta Secretorum," and Thomson's "Mediaeval Russian Ignorance of the Fathers." Abstracts of the papers by Du Feu and Thomson are included with the announcement.
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    ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 30-31 Mar 1984: Nijmegen. Making Manuscripts Accessible to Research
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1984-06)
    A summary of a two-day symposium held at Nijmegen University, March 30-21, 1984, "Making Manuscripts Accessible to Research" focused on medieval Latin and vernacular manuscripts in the Netherlands, but the methodologies and issues raised are relevant as well to the study of Slavic manuscripts. Five of the twelve papers presented at the symposium are reviewed with comments on how such topics should be dealt with for Slavic manuscripts and by whom: features of the texts - a) vernacular prayer books; features of manuscripts - b) bindings, c) layout & quire structure, d) decoration & illustration; 3. features of catalogues - e) computerized description of manuscripts.
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    ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 26-27 Aug 1983: Sofia. Conference on Balkan Manuscript Illumination up to the 17th Century
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1984-06)
    This feature "ЛѢТОПИСЬ" ('Chronicle') reports on recent events in the field of Early Slavic, e.g., celebrations, conferences, symposia, etc. On August 26-27, 1983, in Sofia, Bulgaria, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the "SS. Kiril and Metodii" Bulgarian National Library organized a Conference on Balkan Manuscript Illumination up to the 17th Century. 8 scholars lectured on a variety of topics related to the decoration and illumination of manuscripts junior researchers received hands-on training with original manuscripts from the Bulgarian National Library "SS. Kiril and Metodii." 12 lectures were given on the topics of the development of Cyrillic script up to the 15th century in Bulgaria, Romania, Rus', and Serbia; the orthography of Cyrillic manuscripts between older antigraphs and contemporaneous regional dialects, the structures of miscellanies (sborniki), and description of manuscripts. The participants were also able to take part in the sessions of the conference on Balkan Manuscript Illumination, which was held in Sofia, August 26-27, 1983. More about this seminar was published in Polata Knigopisnaia 13: 68-69.
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    ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 3-4 May 1984: Columbus, OH. First Annual Hilandar Research Project Conference
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1984-06)
    Update on the status of the Hilandar Research Project (Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio) from Mateja Matejic, with the announcement of a forthcoming conference related to the Hilandar Research Project. A list of tentative presenters and their topics is included.
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    ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 15-20 Aug 1983: Sofia. Second International Seminar on Slavic Palaeography
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1984-06)
    This feature "ЛѢТОПИСЬ" ('Chronicle') reports on recent events in the field of Early Slavic, e.g., celebrations, conferences, symposia, etc. On August 15-30, 1983, in Sofia, Bulgaria, the Second Seminar on Slavic Paleography and Diplomatics was held under the auspices of CIBAL (Centre international d'information sur les sources de l'histoire balkanique et méditerranéenne). 19 junior researchers received hands-on training with original manuscripts from the Bulgarian National Library "SS. Kiril and Metodii." 12 lectures were given on the topics of the development of Cyrillic script up to the 15th century in Bulgaria, Romania, Rus', and Serbia; the orthography of Cyrillic manuscripts between older antigraphs and contemporaneous regional dialects, the structures of miscellanies (sborniki), and description of manuscripts. The participants were also able to take part in the sessions of the conference on Balkan Manuscript Illumination, which was held in Sofia, August 26-27, 1983. More about this seminar was published in Polata Knigopisnaia 13: 68-69.
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    Греческо-славянский Index Verborum Кирилло-мефодиевского перевода тетраевангелия: Дискуссионная статья
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1984-06) Moszyński, Leszek
    Moszyński describes his work on a complete Greco-Slavic index verborum, including all words and all of their uses both in the Greek original text as well as the Slavic translation, in order to determine the translation techniques of SS. Cyril and Methodius as well as to reconstruct both the Greek variant of the Gospels used and the original version of the Slavic.
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    The Slavic Manuscripts in the Federal Republic of Germany
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1984-06) Miklas, Heinz; Ščapov, Jaroslav N.; Veder, William R.
    This article, which appears under the section title of "ДѢЛО КЪНИЖЬНОѤ/Dielo k"nizh'noie" in Polata knigopisnaia 9, provides an inventory describing Slavic manuscripts in the Federal Republic of Germany.
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    Text-Oriented Indices to Early Slavic Manuscripts
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1984-06) Veder, William R.
    This article, which appears under the section title of "ДѢЛО КЪНИЖЬНОѤ/Dielo k"nizh'noie" in Polata knigopisnaia 9, suggests the use of text-oriented indices, as opposed to word indices, to facilitate the study of early Slavic manuscripts.
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    The Collection of Microfilms and Prints of the Staroslavenski zavod “Sv. Ritig” at Zagreb
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1984-06) Čunčić, Marica
    This article, which appears under the section title of "ДѢЛО КЪНИЖЬНОѤ/Dielo k"nizh'noie" in Polata knigopisnaia 9, provides an inventory listing both manuscripts and early imprints on microfilm at the Staroslavenski zavod "Svetozar Ritig" (Zagreb).
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    La source principale du Sermon sur la Nativité, attribué à Jean l’Exarque
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1984-06) Capaldo, Mario
    Capaldo summarizes the texts attributed to John Exarch and two redactions of the Sermon on the Nativity of Christ, its composition and sources. The article includes a Greek text of the homily with the scansion noted on the side and a French translation of the text (pp. 15-27). The Greek text is taken from Halkin's "Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca." An appendix (pp. 28-29) gives the Greek text from the Patrologiae Graecae in comparison to the Church Slavonic texts published, respectively, in A. Budilovič 1878 ("XIII slov Grigoriia Bogoslova v drevneslavianskom perevode po rukopisi Imperatorskoi Biblioteki XI veke," Sankt-Peterburg) and N. Petrov 1889 ("Slovo Ioanna ekzarkha Bolgarskago na Rozhdestvo Khristovo. Novootkrytyi pamiatnik drevnebolgarskoi pis'mennosti," Trudy Kievskoi Dukhovnoi Akademii 3: 298).
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    Cover and Table of Contents
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1984-06) Veder, William R.; Capaldo, Mario