Byrd Antarctic Expedition (1st: 1928-1930) : Photo Album 3

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The Byrd Expedition Photo Albums contain more than 3500 images in 5 albums covering Richard E. Byrd's first and second expeditions to Antarctica in 1928-1930 and 1933-1935, respectively.

The digitization of these albums was funded by a generous grant from the Kane Lodge Foundation, New York, NY. Please note: additional images are housed in the University Archives, Byrd Polar Research Center Archival Program. For further information, please contact the polar curator.

The materials on this Website have been made available for use in research, teaching and private study. For these purposes, you may reproduce (print, make photocopies, or download) materials from this site without further permission on the condition that you provide attribution of the source by including the item identifying URI on all copies. (The URI can be found on the item record and is in the following form:*****) For any other use, please contact the polar curator.

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