Diversity Reports (Council on Diversity)

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    Diversity Plans: an Analysis 2008-2009
    (Ohio State University, 2009-07-20) The Ohio State University. Council on Diversity
    This is the analysis of the 2008-2009 Diversity Action Plan, which contains an executive summary as well as audits of the participating departments and offices. In the appendix, the document includes forms for recording demographic data.
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    Diversity Plans: an Analysis 2007-2008
    (Ohio State University, 2008-06-20) The Ohio State University. Council on Diversity
    This document is an analysis of the Diversity Action Plan for the 2007-2008 academic year. The report includes a summary of the year, audits of the participating departments and offices, as well as forms for recording demographic data.
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    Diversity Action Plan 2007-2012
    (Ohio State University, 2007) The Ohio State University. Council on Diversity
    The 2007-2012 Diversity Action Plan is an extension of the 2001-2006 plan. This document states the areas of the previous plan that succeeded and where it fell short, and uses these judgments as building blocks for the next five years.
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    Council on Diversity 2007 Summary Report
    (Ohio State University, 2008-11-26) The Ohio State University. Council on Diversity
    This is the Diversity Action Plan summary for the 2006-2007 academic year. The analysis was conducted through site visits to the participating departments and offices. The Diversity Council members collected reports from the sites and held interviews with the responsible parties. The report also contains the procedures for site visits and site responses, among other topics.
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    Diversity Plans: an Analysis 2005-2006
    (Ohio State University, 2006-06-08) The Ohio State University. Council on Diversity
    This analysis of the Diversity action Plan for the 2005-2006 academic year. The document includes a five-year assessment containing general observations and action steps for the university. Additionally, an analysis of each participating department is listed, with recommendations for the future.
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    Diversity Plans: an Analysis 2004-2005
    (Ohio State University, 2005-04) The Ohio State University. Council on Diversity
    This is the analysis of the Diversity Action Plan for the 2004-2005 academic year. The analysis includes specific accomplishments and future plans for the participating departments, but also summarizes the successes and areas of improvement for the past five years for the committee as a whole.
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    Diversity Plans: an Analysis 2003-2004
    (Ohio State University, 2004-04) The Ohio State University. Council on Diversity
    This document is the analysis of the Diversity Plan for the 2003-2004 academic year. The report includes a summary of the goals of the action plan and the achievements made in the past year, as well as overall assessment, progress and response to recommendations for specific academic departments and university offices.
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    Diversity Plans: an Analysis 2002-2003
    (Ohio State University, 2003-07) The Ohio State University. Council on Diversity
    This document is the analysis of the Diversity Plan for the 2002-2003 academic year. The report details the efforts of each participating academic department and university office, and gives recommendations for the following year.
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    Diversity Plans: an Analysis 2001-2002
    (Ohio State University, 2002-06) The Ohio State University. Council on Diversity
    This document is an analysis of the Diversity Action Plan for the 2001-2002 academic year. This year, the committee focused on specific goals in terms of demographics and a breakdown for each cooperating department is included. The committee concludes that unevenness in levels of commitment is their greatest obstacle.
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    Diversity Report 2000-2001
    (Ohio State University, 2002-02-05) The Ohio State University. Council on Diversity
    This document is an analysis of the Diversity Plan for the 2000-2001 academic year. Each of the objectives is defined in detail, citing examples of success from specific departments. The analysis concludes with a summary and recommendations for the next year.
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    Letter from Brit Kirwan and Ed Ray: Fall 2000
    (Ohio State University, 2000-09) The Ohio State University. Diversity Action Committee
    This letter, to faculty and students, was released along with the final draft of the Diversity Action Plan at the start of the 2000-2001 academic year. Additionally, the letter outlines the principles of the campus diversity initiative and some of the objectives of the committee.
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    Letter from Brit Kirwan and Ed Ray: June 30, 2000
    (Ohio State University, 2000-06-30) The Ohio State University. Diversity Action Committee
    This letter, written by Brit Kirwan and Ed Ray, is a response to the draft of the Diversity Action Plan. Kirwan and Ray call for the release/publication of the action plan and request a final draft at the start of the fall quarter.
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    Council on Diversity Roster
    (Ohio State University, 2008) The Ohio State University. University Diversity Council
    This is the roster of the Council on Diversity in 2008, when it became a subcommittee of the University Senate Diversity Committee. The list contains the names of the twenty-four members and their respective departments.
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    A Diversity Action Plan for The Ohio State University
    (Ohio State University, 2002-02-02) The Ohio State university. Diversity Council
    This plan outlines 6 objectives and many strategies for increasing diversity and raising awareness of diversity on campus. Each objective is further broken down and tasks are assigned to departments and individuals. This document also contains supporting data of the students and faculty in an appendix.