Polata Knigopisnaia: Volume 13 (December 1985)

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Cover and Table of Contents
Veder, William R.; Capaldo, Mario p. 1
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ДѢЛО КЪНИЖЬНОѤ: Библиография работ сотрудников Отдела рукописной и редкой книги Библиотеки Академии Наук СССР (1945-1984 гг.)
Амосов, Александр Александрович; Бубнов, Николай Юрьевич; Amosov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; Bubnov, Nikolai IUr'evich pp. 2-28
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ДѢЛО КЪНИЖЬНОѤ: O недостатках и новшествах нового издания Супрасльского сборника
Capaldo, Mario pp. 29-43
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ДѢЛО КЪНИЖЬНОѤ: Церковные уставы и изучение славянских рукописей X-XIV вв.: Предварительные замечания
Коцева, Елена; Kotseva, Elena pp. 44-49
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ДѢЛО КЪНИЖЬНОѤ: La formation des deux fonds de manuscrits slaves de la Vaticane
Ruysschaert, Jose pp. 50-62
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ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 25. mai 1983: Družba. Feier des 120. Geburtstages von Ljubomir Miletič und Benjo Conev
pp. 63-64
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ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 15-30. августа 1983 г.: София. Второй семинар по славянской палеографии и дипломатике
Икономова, Живка; Лалева, Таня; Ikonomova, Zhivka; Laleva, Tania pp. 65-68
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ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 26-27. августа 1983 г.: София. Конференция по украшению балканской рукописной книги до XVIII века
pp. 68-69
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ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 9-10. ноября 1983 г.: София. Симпозиум по источникам о жизни и деятельности Кирилла и Мефодия
pp. 69-70
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ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 3-4 May 1984: Columbus. The First Annual Hilandar Research Project Conference
Matejic, Predrag pp. 71-74
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ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 18-22 сентября 1984 г.: Рыльский монастырь. Конференция по описанию славянского рукописного наследия и роли монастырей в культурной истории балканских народов
Стойкова, Ана; Stoikova, Ana pp. 74-82
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ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 25-28 September 1984: Sofia. Session of the Terminology Group of the CIBAL Commission on Manuscripts
Veder, William R. pp. 82-83
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ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 1.-5. oktober 1984: Berlin. Zweite Berliner Fachtagung: Gattungsprobleme der Erz
Schmidt, Wolf-Heinrich pp. 84-87
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pp. 88-104
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    ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 15-30. августа 1983 г.: София. Второй семинар по славянской палеографии и дипломатике
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12) Икономова, Живка; Лалева, Таня; Ikonomova, Zhivka; Laleva, Tania
    This feature "Chronicle" reports on recent events in the field of Early Slavic, e.g., celebrations, conferences, symposia, etc. On August 15-30, 1983, in Sofia, Bulgaria, the Second Seminar on Slavic Paleography and Diplomatics was held under the auspices of CIBAL (Centre international d'information sur les sources de l'histoire balkanique et méditerranéenne) and its director Boriana Velcheva and associate director Krasimir Stanchev. The seminar was co-sponsored by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Bulgarian National Library "SS. Kiril and Metodii." 20 young scholars from Bulgaria, Hungary, Holland, Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania, USSR, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia took part. Lectures were given by scholars from Bulgaria, Holland, Romania, USSR, and Yugoslavia. This announcement gives a brief summary of the lectures, and it is noted that the participants also had hands-on experience working with manuscripts in the Bulgarian National Library and the National Church Museum of History and Archaeology of the Holy Synod in Sofia. The participants were also able to take part in the sessions of the conference on Ornamentation of Balkan Manuscripts up to the 18th Century, which was held in Sofia, August 26-27, 1983; a description of this conference is also available in Polata 13: 68-69.
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    ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 9-10. ноября 1983 г.: София. Симпозиум по источникам о жизни и деятельности Кирилла и Мефодия
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12)
    This feature "Chronicle" reports on recent events in the field of Early Slavic, e.g., celebrations, conferences, symposia, etc. It is noted here that the Praesidium of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences created a new research center, a successor to the former Cyrillo-Methodian Commission on problems of cooperation and stimulation of research on Cyrillo-Methodian issues. The new Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre is located at Ul. "Chapaev" 52, bl. 17, 1113 Sofia. Its director, academician Petŭr Dinekov, welcomed the staff of the new center, Svetlina Nikolova and Ana Stoikova, who are working on the publications "Kirillo-Mefodievski studii" and the "Kirillo-Mefodievska entsiklopediia." The center held a symposium on November 9-10, 1983, and the 20 participants' names and paper topics are given. Fuller descriptions of the symposium were published by Anna Stoikova in "Starobulgarska literatura" 16 (1984): 137-141, and by Svetlina Nikolova in "Palaeobulgarica/Starobulgaristika" 8.2 (1984): 119-123.
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    ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 26-27. августа 1983 г.: София. Конференция по украшению балканской рукописной книги до XVIII века
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12)
    This feature "Chronicle" reports on recent events in the field of Early Slavic, e.g., celebrations, conferences, symposia, etc. A brief description of the conference held in Sofia, August 26-27, 1983, on ornamentation of Balkan manuscripts up to the 18th century mentions that academician Petŭr Dinekov opened the conference and provides a few words about each of the papers given. Conference attendees included the participants of the Second Seminar on Slavic Paleography and Diplomatics (see Polata 13: 65-68). Note that the title of this article on page 68 indicates that the conference took place August 26-27, 1984; however, the table of contents for Polata knigopisnaia 13 (page 1) gives the year as 1983.
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    ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 3-4 May 1984: Columbus. The First Annual Hilandar Research Project Conference
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12) Matejic, Predrag
    This feature "Chronicle" reports on recent events in the field of Early Slavic, e.g., celebrations, conferences, symposia, etc. The First Annual Hilandar Research Project Conference was actually the only "Hilandar Research Project Conference" held. The conference presentations are summarized, and recommendations for the future of the Hilandar Research Project are enumerated. It is noted that after the conference "a new and completely refurnished and reequipped Hilandar Room was dedicated by Robert Rade Stone, President of the Serb National Federation, and presented with its first original manuscript, a late XVIIIth century copy of Paisij Hilandarskij's 'Istorija slavjanobălgarskaja' by Mrs Esther N. Clarke." The new address of the "Hilandar Room" is given as: 227 Main Library OSU, 1858 Neil Avenue Mall, Columbus, OH 43210.
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    ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 18-22 сентября 1984 г.: Рыльский монастырь. Конференция по описанию славянского рукописного наследия и роли монастырей в культурной истории балканских народов
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12) Стойкова, Ана; Stoikova, Ana
    This feature "Chronicle" reports on recent events in the field of Early Slavic, e.g., celebrations, conferences, symposia, etc. The article describes the Second International Hilandar Conference, which was held at Rila Monastery in Bulgaria, September 18-22, 1984. Included here are brief descriptions of the 33 presentations which fell into four basic categories: 1) the theoretical and methodological problems of describing Slavic manuscripts, 2) the delineation, publication and interpretation of medieval texts, 3) the literary activity in monasteries and the ties between literary centers, and 4) Balkan monasteries: their role in the history and cultural development of the Balkans. At the end of the report it is stated that William R. Veder's invitation to hold the Third International Hilandar Conference in Nijmegen/Holland, September 1-3, 1987 was accepted. However, the Third International Hilandar Conference was actually held March 28-30, 1989 in Beograd, Jugoslavija. The proceedings of the Rila conference were published in "Kirilo-Metodievski studii" 3 (1986): 127-297.
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    ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 25-28 September 1984: Sofia. Session of the Terminology Group of the CIBAL Commission on Manuscripts
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12) Veder, William R.
    This feature "Chronicle" reports on recent events in the field of Early Slavic, e.g., celebrations, conferences, symposia, etc. Veder gives a critical account of the first meeting of the Session of the Terminology Group formed by the CIBAL Commission on Manuscripts, which itself had met twice - as reported in Polata 2 (June 1979): 88-89 and Polata 8 (June 1983): 62-65. Areas of contention, based on the different ways in which palaeographers and codicologists view these topics, included how to describe manuscript dating, origin, watermark nomenclature, and contents. Veder notes that there were two additional meetings of the Terminology Group (March 25-26, 1985 in Leningrad, and August 20-23, 1985 in Sofia) "which only complicated the problems (4) by discussions of details." For more about the September session of the Terminology Group, see "Bulletin d'information CIBAL" 8 (1984): 37-41.
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    ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 1.-5. oktober 1984: Berlin. Zweite Berliner Fachtagung: Gattungsprobleme der Erz
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12) Schmidt, Wolf-Heinrich
    This feature "Chronicle" reports on recent events in the field of Early Slavic, e.g., celebrations, conferences, symposia, etc. Schmidt gives an account of the Second Berlin Symposium, which included specialists from East and West Germany, USA, Austria, Bulgaria, and Poland.
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    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12)
    This feature, "ОБЬЩЕѤ ЖИТИѤ" [Ob'shtee zhitie] provides a list of ongoing projects and recent publications of scholars in the field of Early Slavic studies, arranged alphabetically by the country in which they work. Represented in this issue are reports from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, East Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Soviet Union, and the United States.
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    ЛѢТОПИСЬ: 25. mai 1983: Družba. Feier des 120. Geburtstages von Ljubomir Miletič und Benjo Conev
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12)
    This feature "Chronicle" reports on recent events in the field of Early Slavic - celebrations, conferences, symposia, etc. On May 25, 1983 in Družba, a resort on the Black Sea in Bulgaria, there was a ceremony by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in honor of 120 years from the birth of Ljubomir Miletič (b. January 14, 1863 in Štip) and Benjo Conev (B. January 24, 1863, Loveč). Iordan Zaimov made the keynote address in Old Bulgarian, which is reproduced in this article.
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    ДѢЛО КЪНИЖЬНОѤ: La formation des deux fonds de manuscrits slaves de la Vaticane
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12) Ruysschaert, Jose
    Ruysschaert traces the presence of the Slavic manuscripts in the Vatican Slavic and Borgiani Illirici collections of the Vatican Library through inventories, descriptions, and documents dating from 1686 to 1902.
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    ДѢЛО КЪНИЖЬНОѤ: Церковные уставы и изучение славянских рукописей X-XIV вв.: Предварительные замечания
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12) Коцева, Елена; Kotseva, Elena
    Kotseva gives a brief description of the Typikon, followed by a chronology of the Greek texts of Typika, and a brief discussion about which were known in the Slavic lands. Kotseva considers the synaxaria portions of the some of the oldest Slavic manuscripts to determine which Typikon they follow. There is also a chart that displays factors influencing the formation of Slavic writing and its early literary centers.
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    Cover and Table of Contents
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12) Veder, William R.; Capaldo, Mario
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    ДѢЛО КЪНИЖЬНОѤ: Библиография работ сотрудников Отдела рукописной и редкой книги Библиотеки Академии Наук СССР (1945-1984 гг.)
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12) Амосов, Александр Александрович; Бубнов, Николай Юрьевич; Amosov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; Bubnov, Nikolai IUr'evich
    In the structure of the Library of the Academy of Sciences (estab. 1714), the Manuscript Department was created in 1899. In the the 20th century, especially after 1917, the fonds of the Manuscript Department steadily increased thanks to active collecting. Hard times fell on the Manuscript Department during WWII. During the period of the blockade of Leningrad, nearly all of the staff of the Department, leading specialists in the field of history and philology, died. On April 25, 1944 work was begun to reconstitute the fonds by the only remaining survivor of the Department's staff, M.N. Murzanova. In the spring of 1945, the Manuscript Department accepted its first researchers. In 1952 the Department was merged with Rare Books. The Department is now also a leading center for scientific research. The article provides a bibliography of publications issued by and associated with the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books. Polata 13: 2.
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    ДѢЛО КЪНИЖЬНОѤ: O недостатках и новшествах нового издания Супрасльского сборника
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12) Capaldo, Mario
    Mario Capaldo writes a review of Zaimov, Iordan, and Mario Capaldo, "Suprasŭlski ili Retkov sbornik," 2 vols. (Sofia: BAN, 1982-1983). Capaldo, who prepared the Greek text for this work, explores the drawbacks and positive aspects of the edition as a whole; he lists the criteria under which the edition was developed, provides examples, and includes a bibliography.