Ohio Journal of Science: Volume 108, Issue 3 (June, 2008)

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Front Matter
pp. 0
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Population Status and Trends of Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) in Ohio: 1984- 2004
Spinola, Romeo M.; Gates, Robert pp. 26-30
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Patterns of Dissolved Oxygen, Productivity and Respiration in Old Woman Creek Estuary, Erie County, Ohio during Low and High Water Conditions
Cornell, Linda P.; Klarer, David M. pp. 31-43
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Discovery of a Population of Cyclonaias tuberculata (Rafinesque), the Purple Wartyback Mussel (Bivalvia: Unionidae), in the Olentangy River, Delaware County, Ohio
Bolton, Michael J. pp. 44-46
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Variation in Resistance of Experienced and Naïve Seedlings of Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) to Invasive Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata)
Cipollini, Kendra A.; Hurley, Sophie L. pp. 47-49
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Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Among Younger Population in Northeastern Ohio
Nasr, Payman; Delorme, Thierry; Rose, Stacy; Senita, Julie; Callahan, Cynthia pp. 50-52
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Back Matter
pp. 999
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    Population Status and Trends of Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) in Ohio: 1984- 2004
    (2008-06) Spinola, Romeo M.; Gates, Robert
    We assessed the status and trends of northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) populations in Ohio from 1984-2004 (21 years). Bobwhite abundance indices were obtained from surveys conducted on secondary roads. The number of roads surveyed per year ranged from 69 to 209 (with 12 stops each). We used Poisson regression with generalized estimating equations and a Generalized Additive Model to analyze bobwhite population trends. Bobwhite populations in Ohio declined 9.3% / year (95% CI=7.3%-11.2%). Overall, populations declined 76% (95% CI=68-82%) over the 21-year period. We also compared annual trends during the same period among 10 weather regions in the state. At least six weather regions showed declining population trends, but analyses for the remaining four regions were inconclusive. We mapped the distribution and abundance of bobwhites in Ohio using abundance indices from surveys conducted during 1985, 1992, and 2002. These maps revealed that the bobwhite range contracted as populations declined during 1984-2004. The current core area of bobwhite abundance is located in Southwestern Ohio, where 16 counties are open for hunting. However, bobwhite distribution shifted eastward within Southwestern Ohio during 1984-2004. Adjacent counties that are currently closed to hunting lie mostly outside the highest abundance zone. We recommend bobwhite population surveys of high resolution on counties open to hunting, as well as surrounding counties where hunting has recently been closed. However, lower resolution efforts, such as site occupancy surveys, should be conducted outside those areas to detect range expansion
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    Patterns of Dissolved Oxygen, Productivity and Respiration in Old Woman Creek Estuary, Erie County, Ohio during Low and High Water Conditions
    (2008-06) Cornell, Linda P.; Klarer, David M.
    Old Woman Creek wetland is composed of a stream and freshwater estuary and may act as a sink or transformer of nutrients entering Lake Erie. Primary productivity and respiration are indicators of ecosystem level trophic conditions and may be linked to the estuary’s effectiveness as a nutrient sink or transformer. Old Woman Creek National Estuarine Research Reserve has been collecting water chemistry data at 15 minute intervals using data loggers since 1995. Both diel and seasonal trends in water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and water depth at selected sites in the creek and estuary were related to physical and biological processes. Daily primary productivity and respiration were estimated from diurnal changes in dissolved oxygen under both high and low water conditions. Mean water depth was higher in 1997 and 1998 (0.94-1.2 m) than in 2003 and 2004 (0.5-0.66 m). Water temperature was generally 1-2o C higher in the open lower estuary and mouth than in the creek and upper estuary which is more shaded. Typical diurnal fluctuations in dissolved oxygen ranged from less than 20% to greater than 150% saturation. Primary productivity rates in the creek and upper estuary were lower (0.5-3.5 gO2/m2/day) than in the lower estuary sites (2.0- 10.1 g O2/m2/day). Through both periods of high water and low water, the GPP/R ratio was less than one, thus negating our hypothesis that the ratio would be greater than 1 during high water years when the estuary was primarily an open water system.
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    Discovery of a Population of Cyclonaias tuberculata (Rafinesque), the Purple Wartyback Mussel (Bivalvia: Unionidae), in the Olentangy River, Delaware County, Ohio
    (2008-06) Bolton, Michael J.
    Freshwater mussels (Unionidae) were collected from the Olentangy River upstream from the city of Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio to verify the existence of a population of Cyclonaias tuberculata (Rafinesque), the Purple Wartyback Mussel. Eleven live specimens of C. tuberculata were found, including two juveniles, in the second and third riffle complexes downstream from the Panhandle Road dam (40°19’21.03”N, 83°4’13.68”W). This is the first time that this species has been found alive in the Olentangy River basin since the 1800s.
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    Variation in Resistance of Experienced and Naïve Seedlings of Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) to Invasive Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata)
    (2008-06) Cipollini, Kendra A.; Hurley, Sophie L.
    The invasive species garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata, has negative impacts on understory forest species in the Midwest. Plants that coexist with A. petiolata in the field may show resistance to its negative effects as a result of natural selection. In a growth room experiment, we investigated if naïve and experienced seedlings of impatiens capensis vary in their response to the presence of A. petiolata. Impatiens capensis individuals from areas without A. petiolata (i.e., naïve plants) and from nearby areas with A. petiolata (i.e., experienced plants) were collected from the field and were then grown with A. petiolata in pots for 16 weeks. We measured height, stem diameter, reproduction and biomass of I. capensis and biomass of A. petiolata. There was a significant (P < 0.05) negative correlation between biomass and height of naïve I. capensis and biomass of A. petiolata, while there was no significant correlation between these variables for experienced I. capensis. Our results indicate the potential for the evolution of resistance to the presence of A. petiolata in I. capensis and point toward the need for further studies.
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    Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Among Younger Population in Northeastern Ohio
    (2008-06) Nasr, Payman; Delorme, Thierry; Rose, Stacy; Senita, Julie; Callahan, Cynthia
    The Ashtabula County Medical Center (ACMC), a 241-bed medical center in Ashtabula County, Ohio, has been providing inpatient and outpatient services for a portion of Northeastern Ohio for over a century. In the current report, we have investigated the rate of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) occurrence among the younger population (less than 25 years of age) who sought medical attention at ACMC emergency room or one of its outpatient-affiliates (e.g. physician’s office or clinics) from January 2006 to December 2007. Here, we report a significant increase in incidence of MRSA among patients six to 25 years of age during this time period. Considering the age population and the origin of specimens, the present findings suggest a rapid increase in incidence of MRSA among the general population in Northeastern Ohio. These findings demonstrate the need for the development of new protocols aimed at identifying preventive measures in order to immobilize the spread of such pathogens among the younger population in the region.
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