Ask: Research and Methods. Volume 24, Issue 1 (2015)

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Front Matter
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Social Stratification and Eating
Domański, Henryk; Karpiński, Zbigniew; Przybysz, Dariusz; Straczuk, Justyna pp. 3-18
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Changes in Social Structure, Class, and Stratification: The Polish Panel Survey (POLPAN)
Słomczyński, Kazimierz M.; Tomescu-Dubrow, Irina; Dubrow, Joshua Kjerulf pp. 19-37
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Three Qualitative Studies of Cultural and Temporal Adaption of Africans at Home and Abroad
Bakalarska, Malwina pp. 39-47
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Harmonization: Newsletter on Survey Data Harmonization in the Social Sciences
Articles from Volume 1, Issue 1, Winter 2015 and Volume 1, Issue 2, Fall 2015 pp. 49-89
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Back Matter
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  • Item
    Front Matter (Volume 24, Issue 1, 2015)
    (The Ohio State University Libraries in partnership with IFiS Publishers, 2015)
  • Item
    Social Stratification and Eating
    (The Ohio State University Libraries in partnership with IFiS Publishers, 2015) Domański, Henryk; Karpiński, Zbigniew; Przybysz, Dariusz; Straczuk, Justyna
    Patterns of eating, as an element of lifestyle and consumption, constitute a major research area in the social and health sciences. The study of eating patterns focus on what people eat, whether they eat alone or in company, where they eat, how often, and under what circumstances. For decades, research on eating within sociology had been somewhat neglected, but in recent years there has been an explosion of interest in this topic. In Poland, however, social scientific inquiry into practical, social, and cultural aspects of food has been minimal. Using data from a nation-wide survey carried out in 2013 and in-depth interviews with 60 respondents conducted in 2014, we attempted to answer two questions: (i) to what extent eating patterns reflect existing inequalities and stratification, and (ii) to what extent they have been affected by globalisation and Western lifestyle. This article discusses theoretical background of our research, its empirical basis, and summarises the basic results.
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    Changes in Social Structure, Class, and Stratification: The Polish Panel Survey (POLPAN)
    (The Ohio State University Libraries in partnership with IFiS Publishers, 2015) Słomczyński, Kazimierz M.; Tomescu-Dubrow, Irina; Dubrow, Joshua Kjerulf
    We present an overview of the intellectual foundations and some major research questions and topics of the Polish Panel Survey (POLPAN). Carried out since 1988 in 5-year intervals, with the latest in 2013, POLPAN is the longest continuously run panel survey on changes in social structure, class and stratification in Central and Eastern Europe. The 2018 round is in planning. POLPAN is strongly anchored in recent theoretical innovations surrounding analyses of social structure and its change, as well as in the most up-to-date survey methodology. As such, POLPAN has major substantive and methodological contributions. Substantively, POLPAN constitutes a breakthrough that stems from taking into account individuals' life courses in a long time span. Methodologically, POLPAN enhances knowledge about how to conduct long-term panel studies and how to assess the quality of this type of data. Social scientists interested in the dynamics of social structure, class, and stratification, as well as political attitudes and behaviors, have a wealth of data with which to address timeless and timely research questions from a variety of perspectives and fields.
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    Three Qualitative Studies of Cultural and Temporal Adaption of Africans at Home and Abroad
    (The Ohio State University Libraries in partnership with IFiS Publishers, 2015) Bakalarska, Malwina
    This research note describes three qualitative projects that I conducted on the topic of cultural and temporal adaptation in Nigeria and of Nigerians living abroad. The first was a pilot study that laid the groundwork for two subsequent studies conducted in Nigeria, and of Nigerians living in Asia. The process of academic discovery is too-often presented as pristine; that is, as unblemished by learning experiences. However, the process of research is often marked by trial and error, where both positive and negative experiences build toward scientific discovery and academic insight. The purpose of this research note is to explain, in a personal way and in as plain language as I can, the process of discovery and the content of these studies.
  • Item
    Harmonization: Newsletter on Survey Data Harmonization in the Social Sciences
    (The Ohio State University Libraries in partnership with IFiS Publishers, 2015)
  • Item
    Back Matter (Volume 24, Issue 1, 2015)
    (The Ohio State University Libraries in partnership with IFiS Publishers, 2015)