Polata Knigopisnaia: Volume 14-15 (December 1985)

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Cover and Table of Contents
Capaldo, Mario; Veder, William R.; Naumow, Aleksander E. p. 1
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A Message from the Editors
Naumow, Aleksander E.; Veder, William R. pp. 2-3
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Терминология описания книг священного писания: Проект для комиссии по рукописям CIBAL
Alekseev, Anatolii A.; Capaldo, Mario; Naumow, Aleksander E. pp. 4-7
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Филологические критерии выявления библейских переводов Св. Мефодия
Alekseev, Anatolii A. pp. 8-14
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Sveto Pismo u hrvatskoglagoljskim liturgijskim kodeksima
Tandarić, Josip pp. 15-24
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Некоторые особенности славянских псалтырей на материале XI-XVI вв.
Kotseva, Elena; Karachorova, Ivona; Atanasov, Asen pp. 25-75
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Zografskie i Mariańskie tetraewangelia jako księgi liturgiczne. Część I: Etap Głagolski
Moszyński, Leszek pp. 76-99
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О ревизији словенског апостолског текста извршеној под утицајем грчког оригинала средним XIV века
Ковачевић, Радмила; Kovačević, Radmila pp. 100-108
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Законът и благодатта в Похвално слово за Кирил и Методий. Принос към проучването на славянската теза за приемствеността на апостолството
Dzhambeluka-Kossova, Alda pp. 109-121
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Месяцеслов как памятник языка и культуры (на материале Церколезского апостола и Баницкого евангелия)
Скоморохова Вентурини, Лиля; Skomorokhova Venturini, Lilia pp. 122-131
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Славянский перевод ‘́ΥΜΝΟΣ ̉ΑΚΑΘΙΣΤΟΣ
Момина, Мая Андреева; Momina, M.A. pp. 132-160
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    Законът и благодатта в Похвално слово за Кирил и Методий. Принос към проучването на славянската теза за приемствеността на апостолството
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12) Dzhambeluka-Kossova, Alda
    In this Bulgarian article, Dzhambeluka-Kossova examines the "Encomium to SS. Cyril and Methodius" and concludes that is contains all of the basic motifs regarding the Slavic theory of apostolic succession that are found, separately or in various combinations, in a series of other literary monuments reflecting the oldest period of the literary tradition of the Orthodox Slavs. Polata 14-15: 120-121.
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    Zografskie i Mariańskie tetraewangelia jako księgi liturgiczne. Część I: Etap Głagolski
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12) Moszyński, Leszek
    In this Polish article, Moszyński provides statistical data on the comparison of Gospel codices, primarily Zographensis and Marianus, as well as references to Assemanius.
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    О ревизији словенског апостолског текста извршеној под утицајем грчког оригинала средним XIV века
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12) Ковачевић, Радмила; Kovačević, Radmila
    In this Serbo-Croatian article, Kovačević examines a number of Serbian manuscripts of the Apostol from the 13th-15th cent. and finds some basic types of corrections that appear to have been made based on a comparison with an original Greek manuscript in the 14th century. Some of the manuscripts viewed include Dečani 24, 25 and 26, HM.SMS.52, Khudov 34, Zagreb 4069, Muzeisk. 892 (Moscow), SANU 281, NBS 643, the Šišatovački Apostol (Beograd, Patrijaršijska biblioteka 322), Matičin Apostol (Novi Sad, PP 184), and the Varadžinski Apostol (Beograd, MSPC 952).
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    Месяцеслов как памятник языка и культуры (на материале Церколезского апостола и Баницкого евангелия)
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12) Скоморохова Вентурини, Лиля; Skomorokhova Venturini, Lilia
    Skomorokhova Venturini compares the structure and contents of the synaxaria/calendar portions of two Middle Bulgarian manuscripts of the 13th cent., the Cerkolez Apostol and the Banica Gospel, and makes note of some of the linguistic variants.
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    Sveto Pismo u hrvatskoglagoljskim liturgijskim kodeksima
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12) Tandarić, Josip
    In this Serbo-Croatian article, Tandarić compares the texts of several pericopes from the Old and New Testament in Croatian Glagolitic manuscripts. At the end of the article, Tandarić summarizes the bibliography to date of Croatian Glagolitic biblical sources.
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    Славянский перевод ‘́ΥΜΝΟΣ ̉ΑΚΑΘΙΣΤΟΣ
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12) Момина, Мая Андреева; Momina, M.A.
    M.A. Momina describes the history and structure of the Akathist Hymn: the Greek original, the sources for the study of the Slavic text of the Akathist, the linguistic characteristics of the translation, the characteristics of the variant readings in the copies, a description of the various redactions, the list of manuscripts and printed books used in her research, and statistical information about the various redactions.
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    Некоторые особенности славянских псалтырей на материале XI-XVI вв.
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12) Kotseva, Elena; Karachorova, Ivona; Atanasov, Asen
    Each of the three authors presents a section describing certain characteristics of Slavic Psalters from the 9th to the 16th centuries. Ivona Karachorova (26-38) focuses on lexical features and the possible redaction of the Psalter text on which they are based. The most noteworthy result is the isolation of a group of manuscripts that arose in the 13th cent. Elena Kotseva (39-50) examines the codicological and "grapho-linguistic" features of the Psalter as well as comparing its contents to the calendar/synaxarion of the Typikon of the Great Church of Constantinople, 9th-10th cent. Music specialist, Asen Atanasov (51-71) provides tables indicating the psalm-based hymns according to the calendars/synaxaria of the oldest Slavic Cyrillic and Glagolitic monuments. A bibliography (71-75) is included. Polata 14-15: 25-26.
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    Филологические критерии выявления библейских переводов Св. Мефодия
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12) Alekseev, Anatolii A.
    Alekseev presents four philological criteria for determining the dating of biblical texts that originated around the time of St. Methodius: (1) texts with a Greek original that are found in Croatian sources, originated before 925; (2) the transition from the original free translations to the later literal translations may be viewed in the history of much of old and medieval literature as a typologically universal phenomenon. Alekseev gives 12 linguistic characteristics of the "free" translation style of Methodius; (3) with regards to the Greek originals of the Slavic biblical texts, they do not seems to have any direct ties with the established Greek variants designated as Lucianic or Hesychican, however, a series of Slavic texts seem closer to redaction R, established by A. Rahlfs (1923); (4) concerning linguistic criteria, the older texts should share a degree of linguistic features of the Cyrillo-Methodian translations of the Psalter and the lectionary texts of the New and Old Testaments.
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    Терминология описания книг священного писания: Проект для комиссии по рукописям CIBAL
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12) Alekseev, Anatolii A.; Capaldo, Mario; Naumow, Aleksander E.
    The authors list the various types of Slavic manuscripts of biblical texts (Octateuch, Pentateuch, Prophetologion, Aprakos Gospels [full, abbreviated, and Sunday, etc.]), and the names of the books of the Old and New Testament. Bibliographical citations appear in the footnotes.
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    Cover and Table of Contents
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12) Capaldo, Mario; Veder, William R.; Naumow, Aleksander E.
    This fifth Приложение of Polata knigopisnaia is dedicated to the memory of S. Methodius, archbishop of Sirmium, apostle of the Slavs and, by virtue of the encyclical Egregiae virtutis of 31 December 1980, co-patron of Europe, together with S. Cyril, his brother, and S. Benedict. Polata 14-15: 2.
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    A Message from the Editors
    (William R. Veder, Vakgroep Slavistiek, Katholieke Universiteit, Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (Holland), 1985-12) Naumow, Aleksander E.; Veder, William R.
    This "Message from the Editors" explains that "This fifth Приложение of Polata knigopisnaia is dedicated to the memory of S. Methodius, archbishop of Sirmium, apostle of the Slavs and, by virtue of the encyclical Egregiae virtutis of 31 December 1980, co-patron of Europe, together with S. Cyril, his brother, and S. Benedict." The editors provide a brief summary of the articles included in this volume, which resulted from "a proposal for unification of the terminology used to refer to Biblical texts (part of a commendable enterprise of the CIBAL (Sofia) to harmonize the descriptive terminology of Slavic manuscripts)" whereby A. A. "Alekseev outlines four philological criteria for the analysis of the oldest, Methodian stratum in Biblical texts," and other scholars expand upon his suggestions. Polata 14-15: 2.