Ohio Journal of Science: Volume 84, Issue 1 (March, 1984)

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Front Matter
pp. 0
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Spatial Variation in the Rates of Unemployment in Ohio By County, January 1981-July 1982
Monroe, Charles B. pp. 2-7
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Decline of the Upland Sandpiper (Bartramia, Longicauda) in Ohio: An Endangered Species
Osborne, David R.; Peterson, A. Townsend pp. 8-10
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Temperature Extremes in Ohio During 1981
Hickox, David H. pp. 11-15
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Biomass Equations for Southeastern Ohio Forest Trees
Kasile, Joseph D. pp. 16-18
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Monitoring of Descending Dredged Material Plumes
Alther, George R. pp. 19-28
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Raptor Populations on Selected Park Reserves in Montgomery County, Ohio
Mutter, Dane; Nolin, David B.; Shartle, Alex pp. 29-32
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A Survey of Monogeneans on the Gills of Catostomid Fishes from Ohio (1983)
Mergo, John C., Jr.; White, Andrew M. pp. 33-35
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The Herpetofauna of Adams County, Ohio
Daniel, Paul M. pp. 35-43
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Extramural Coronary Artery Disease in Type I Diabetes Mellitus: A Quantative Autopsy Study
Van Der Bel-Kahn, J.; Skjaerlund, J.; Glueck, C. J. pp. 43-50
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Observations of Snow Dunes on Lake Erie
Hannes, Gerald P.; Hannes, Susan M. pp. 51-54
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Trichoptera (Caddisflies) of Watercress Marsh, Columbiana County, Ohio
MacLean, David B.; MacLean, Bonnie K. pp. 54-62
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Brief Note: Survey of Ohio State University Students' Attitudes on Wildlife and Conservation Issues
Bihari, Joyce A. pp. 62-65
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Brief Note: Burrowing Crayfish Trap
Norrocky, M. James pp. 65-66
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Brief Note: New Records of the Iowa Darter, Etheostoma Exile, (Percidae) in Ohio
Phinney, George J.; Rice, Daniel L. pp. 67-70
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Book Reviews
pp. 70-70
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List of Reviewers of Papers Appearing in the Ohio Journal of Science During 1983
pp. 72
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Back Matter
pp. 999
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    Back Matter
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    Book Reviews
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    Brief Note: Burrowing Crayfish Trap
    (1984-03) Norrocky, M. James
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    Trichoptera (Caddisflies) of Watercress Marsh, Columbiana County, Ohio
    (1984-03) MacLean, David B.; MacLean, Bonnie K.
    Caddisfly adults numbering 4,371 were collected by means of light traps at Watercress Marsh, Columbiana Co., Ohio, from June 1976 to October 1981. The marsh occupies a site of the Grand River lobe of the Wisconsin Glacier near its southernmost extent in Columbiana Co. The 69 species in the 10 families collected included 15 species of Limnephilidae and 4 new state records. Seasonal species diversity values were calculated.
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    Observations of Snow Dunes on Lake Erie
    (1984-03) Hannes, Gerald P.; Hannes, Susan M.
    Various snow dune forms were observed and photographed on frozen Lake Erie at Marblehead, Ohio, in January 1982. The dune field contained several dune types. The barchan was the most common form; seif and triangular dunes were also sighted. Conditions necessary for dune formation included winds from a constant direction and a flat ice surface. Dunes were not seen on the ice where pressure ridges existed.
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    Extramural Coronary Artery Disease in Type I Diabetes Mellitus: A Quantative Autopsy Study
    (1984-03) Van Der Bel-Kahn, J.; Skjaerlund, J.; Glueck, C. J.
    Extramural coronary arteries of 17 type I diabetics and 22 control patients were examined at necropsy following a detailed methodology plan. There was a greater extent of luminal narrowing in the extramural coronary arteries in the diabetic patients than in the controls. While it is known that in patients with the advanced stage of type I diabetes mellitus significant coronary atherosclerosis is likely to be present, it is new information that they have a propensity for obstructive atherosclerosis, not just in the 3 major coronary arteries but also in the branches. Young type I diabetics with atherosclerosis of proximal portions of the coronary vasculature are likely to have equally severe atherosclerosis in the distal portions and branches as well. Atherosclerosis was less severe in the diabetic patients who did receive hemodialysis and/or a renal transplant than those who did not.
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    The Herpetofauna of Adams County, Ohio
    (1984-03) Daniel, Paul M.
    Examination of museum collections and published accounts were combined with visits to Adams Co., Ohio, to determine the occurrence of reptiles and amphibians there. Nineteen salamander, 12 frog and toad, 4 lizard, 15 snake and at least 4 turtle species have been recorded in the county. This is more than has been recorded from any other county in Ohio and further substantiates the unusual nature of this part of Ohio.
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    A Survey of Monogeneans on the Gills of Catostomid Fishes from Ohio (1983)
    (1984-03) Mergo, John C., Jr.; White, Andrew M.
    During 1979 and 1980, gills of 147 catostomid fishes, representing 12 host species from 9 localities in Ohio, were examined for monogenetic trematodes. Thirty-one percent were infected by at least one trematode. Three new host records and 10 new Ohio records are reported. The new host records established are Neodiscocotyle carpioditis from Ictiobus bubalus, and Dactylogyrus hamatus and Pseudomurraytrema etowanum from Hypentelium nigricans. The new Ohio records are Pseudomurraytrema paradoxum, Dactylogyrus apos, and Dactylogyrus ursus from catostomids collected in the Grand River, Ashtabula-Lake Co. border; Pseudomurraytrema etowanum, Pseudomurraytrema rogersi and Dactylogyrus hamatus from Silver Creek, Geauga Co.; Dactylogyrus duquesnei and Anonchohaptor anomalum from Salt Creek, Pickaway Co; Neodiscocotyle carpioditis from Lake Erie, Lorain Co.; and Pseudomurraytrema alabarrum from Bridge Creek, Geauga Co. Specimens of most of the species collected were deposited in the U.S. National Museum.
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    Raptor Populations on Selected Park Reserves in Montgomery County, Ohio
    (1984-03) Mutter, Dane; Nolin, David B.; Shartle, Alex
    A survey of raptor populations on 8 park reserves in Montgomery Co., Ohio (total area 2731 ha) was initiated in January 1981 and completed in June 1983. A total of 15 species was observed, 7 of which were nesting species, 4 were winter residents, and 4 were casual observations only. An intensive census of the nesting species yielded 54 pairs on these areas during the 1983 nesting season, which is believed to accurately reflect the total breeding population. Important local habitats include groves of mature, planted pines (Pinus sp.), successional areas dominated by eastern red cedars (Juniperus virginiana), and old-field and meadow foraging areas. Tracts of old growth forest provided nesting areas for cavity nesting species and were particularly important where they interfaced with open habitats. The present abundance of these nesting and foraging habitats on the park reserves could account for the high concentration of nesting raptors utilizing them.
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    Monitoring of Descending Dredged Material Plumes
    (1984-03) Alther, George R.
    Monitoring of 2 disposal operations on Lake Erie near Ashtabula, Ohio, provided an opportunity to employ different approaches to study the physical impact of the disposal of dredged material on the hydraulic regime of the lake in this area. A study conducted in August 1975 involved utilization of several transmissometers placed on 4 anchored vessels and one moving vessel. The transmissometers were used to monitor the dispersing plume over time. Three-dimensional plots revealed that plumes tended to decrease in intensity beyond about 100 m from the point of discharge. Data interpretation was hampered due to difficulties in correlating data obtained from different transmissometers and because the direction of the plume could not always be anticipated with accuracy, resulting in that the major portion of the plume sometimes bypassed the boat further away undetected.
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    Biomass Equations for Southeastern Ohio Forest Trees
    (1984-03) Kasile, Joseph D.
    Biomass equations for total tree weight above stump were developed for 8 Ohio forest tree species or species groups. Of the predictor variables tested by multiple linear regression, diameter squared at 1.4 m above ground (d.b.h.) was the most consistent significant variable. R2 for the species ranged from 0.80 to 0.96. Species equations were not significantly different. The combined equation for all species was: Total green weight, kg = —100.3 + 0.9628 (Diameter, cm at 1.4 m above ground)2.
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    Temperature Extremes in Ohio During 1981
    (1984-03) Hickox, David H.
    Using 1981 temperature data for Ohio, the maximum and minimum temperatures for each day were analyzed to reveal the spatial relationships of extreme temperature distributions. The range of temperature reflected normal variations in solar insolation as well as the invasion of warm and cold air masses. The spatial distribution of extreme temperature points out the control of latitude and elevation on temperature. The occurrence of maximum and minimum temperature was concentrated in specific areas, suggesting hot and cold regions.
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    Decline of the Upland Sandpiper (Bartramia, Longicauda) in Ohio: An Endangered Species
    (1984-03) Osborne, David R.; Peterson, A. Townsend
    The 1981 breeding range of upland sandpipers in Ohio shows a 62.0% decline from its historical range. Breeding populations have significantly decreased in numbers and in flock size since the 1920s. Airport habitats are preferred (74.4% of all individuals reported) over all other habitats and presumably represent critical optimal breeding areas. Proper management of airport habitats is encouraged in order to promote the recovery of this endangered species in Ohio.
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    Spatial Variation in the Rates of Unemployment in Ohio By County, January 1981-July 1982
    (1984-03) Monroe, Charles B.
    Spatial patterns of unemployment by county in Ohio are analyzed using quarterly labor statistics from January 1981 to July 1982. A cluster analysis grouped the 88 counties into 3 primary regions, 2 secondary groups, and 3 outlier counties. Eighty of the counties lie in the 3 primary groups, which are characterized as low, average, and high unemployment areas in relation to the statewide trend in unemployment during this period. Counties in the low unemployment group have a diversified economy and are generally located in the central corridor of Ohio extending from Cincinnati to Cleveland. Counties in the high unemployment region are located primarily in southern Ohio and contain a rural population with a high level of poverty. The county unemployment rates are also correlated with the percentage of employment concentrated in the major economic sectors. The manufacturing and agricultural sectors show positive correlations to unemployment, whereas finance, insurance, and real estate (F.I.R.E.), services, and trade show strong negative correlation.
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    Front Matter