Reports, Papers and Conference Proceedings (American Indian Studies)

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    Regaining Dr Herman Haeberlin: Early Anthropology and Museology in Puget Sound, 1916-17
    (Lushootseed Press, 2007) Miller, Jay, 1947-
    This booklet is arranged into four sections. The first tells the life and work of Herman K. Haeberlin. The second presents notebooks (#13, #32) documenting his entire artifact collection, through gift and purchase, from locals. The third presents his letters, sometimes with responses, in English. For the other 42 notebooks, appendices have been provided at the end of each section. The fourth section, brings together an overview of Lushoosteed research, lists Lushootseed researchers, amd begins to locate their papers, and ends with background references and bibliography.
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    Keresan Pueblos and Chaco Canyon
    (2007) Miller, Jay, 1947-
    Speculations on language identity, Puebloan cultures and Southwestern prehistory.
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    Wyandotte Chiefs
    (2007) Busar, C. A.