Ask: Research and Methods. Volume 15, Issue 1 (2006)

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Dlaczego respondenci uczestniczą lub nie uczestniczą w badaniach? Porównanie 1994–2004 [Why respondents participate in surveys? Comparative analysis for Poland in 1994-2004]
Sztabinski, Pawel B. pp. 7-28
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Liczba wizyt i czas trwania badań [Number of visits and duration of surveys]
Domanski, Henryk pp. 29-49
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Wykorzystanie metod ilościowych w badaniach marketingowych w Polsce [Using quantitative analyses in marketing research in Poland]
Perek-Bialas, Jolanta; Korzeniecka, Urszula pp. 51-73
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Metody wnioskowania ekologicznego w badaniach wyborczych [Ecological analyses in electoral research]
Kocór, Marcin pp. 75-103
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Ocena jakości skali ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem jej rzetelności i trafności za pomocą skalowania Rascha [Assessment of the quality of the scale with the Rasch model: scale reliability and validity]
Weziak, Dorota pp. 107-131
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    Ocena jakości skali ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem jej rzetelności i trafności za pomocą skalowania Rascha
    (IFiS Publishers, 2006) Węziak, Dorota
    The aim of the article is to present Rasch model and its application to the assessment of scale validity and reliability. The method is hardly known in Poland. The problem of good quality data is important as such a data is a prerequisite of reliable results of each statistical analysis. The Rasch model provides a different approach to the assessment of the scale quality from that having been used in Poland and described among others by David Magnusson, Jerzy Brzezinski, Jaroslaw Gorniak, Andrzej Machowski, Adam Sagan. The text consists of two parts–-theoretical one and practical one. The former includes methodology of the Rasch measurement whereas the latter presents its application. Although there is a big family of the Rasch measurement models this text focuses mainly on the rating scale model. This method is used to analyze rating scale data obtained from the battery of items with different intensities designed to measure one latent trait. Key words: Rasch model, Rasch measurement, rating scale model, rating scale, scale reliability, scale validity.
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    Metody wnioskowania ekologicznego w badaniach wyborczych
    (IFiS Publishers, 2006) Kocór, Marcin
    In social sciences we often have to do with aggregated data which pose both methodological and practical problems. Erroneous inference of individual characteristics and behaviors from this kind of data, described and named by Robinson as “ecological fallacy”, has been known for more than fifty years now. Several statistical approaches were developed to deal with the problem and produce valid and reliable results. This paper provides on overview of the most popular and frequently used methods of ecological inference. First one is ecological regression as developed by Goodman in a direct answer to Robinson’s article. The last one is quite new entropy maximization approach. The purpose of paper is to give Polish reader a review of useful techniques in analysis of aggregated data along with their pros and cons. Key words: ecological analysis, agregate data analysis, ecological regression.
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    Wykorzystanie metod ilościowych w badaniach marketingowych w Polsce
    (IFiS Publishers, 2006) Perek-Białas, Jolanta; Korzeniecka, Urszula
    This article presents the results of a research project that aimed at evaluating the extent to which quantitative methods are being implemented in marketing research in Poland. The analysis was based on interviews carried out in 2004 with representatives of chosen social and marketing research agencies. Our goal was to find out which of the quantitative methods are commonly used in marketing research in Poland and which ones are not, and to identify the possible reasons for that. According to our analysis, apart of simple statistical techniques (e.g. crosstabs, testing hypotheses), more advanced methods are used such as conjoint analysis (as it was mentioned by one of the respondents “truly speaking it is in vogue”. We conclude that the more advanced marketing techniques of analysis will be needed, the more clients will learn and understand the purpose and use of specific methods. Key words: quantitative methods, marketing research.
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    Liczba wizyt i czas trwania badań
    (IFiS Publishers, 2006) Domański, Henryk
    Using data from European Social Survey 2002 I attempt to determine two questions. First, what are basic determinants of availability of respondents as defined in terms of number of visits to make interview. Second, to what extent responses are affected by date of interview in time trajectory of the research. One may assume that significant relationships between date of interview and responses would indicate systematic error resulting from effect of the context of interview related to time. My analysis is based on the Polish data. According to main findings, basic impediments of availability of respondents included: higher education, residence in bigger city, and younger category of age. Conversely, relatively most accessible are: unemployed, countryside dwellers, and lower non-manual workers. This analysis show also that date of interview exerts significant effect on responses. Key words: duration of interview, number of visits, availability of respondents, systematic error, non-responses.
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    Dlaczego respondenci uczestniczą lub nie uczestniczą w badaniach? Porównanie 1994–2004
    (IFiS Publishers, 2006) Sztabiński, Paweł B.
    In appendix to the Polish General Social Survey 1994 I carried out mail study sending respondents self-administered questionnaires asking them about motivation to take part in surveys and perception of their goals. Analysis of this study was presented in Ask 1995, 2. Since that time many changes took place in Poland as well as in survey research that might modify my conclusions from 1994. Bearing this in mind I repeated this study after 10 years, doing European Social Survey 2004. Respondents were asked the same questions designed to display common perception of surveys and find out incentives to increase participation in them. As far as the latter question became especially important this study covered also respondents who were sampled to ESS but did not take part in the main study.